Jenis penginapan = Rumah/Homestay
Alamat = Jl. Cendrawasih no.3, Kampung Keuramat, Banda aceh, NAD
Jumlah kamar = 10 kamar tidur, kamar mandi dalam dan kamar mandi luar (shower)
Fasilitas = Double size bed, TV parabola, AC
Kondisi = Sangat bagus
Harga = 150rb/malam (AC TV), 100rb (non AC, TV) (bisa sewa per minggu)
Tempat parkir = mobil, sepeda motor
Kelebihan = Suasana islami, strategis, 40 meter dari jalan utama (Jln. Daud Beureueh), depan masjid
Ketentuan = non muhrim DILARANG menginap sekamar
Telepon : 085358851266 atau 085260104561 (telepon only/tanpa perantara)

2 Response to "Angels and Demons"

  1. anshul says:

    Angels & Demons is a 2009 American film adaptation of Dan Brown's novel by the same name. It is the sequel to The Da Vinci Code, even though the novel Angels & Demons was published first and takes place before the novel The Da Vinci Code. Filming took place in Rome, Italy, and the Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, California. Tom Hanks reprises the lead role of Robert Langdon, while director Ron Howard, producer Brian Grazer, composer Hans Zimmer and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman also return. so guys juss go for it and enjoy he Angels and Demons movie.. :D

    Unknown says:

    Will definitely be watching this flick. Loved The Da Vinci Code. Also looking forward to Brown's new novel The Lost Symbol which is due out next month!! here it is...a present for u all... Download Angels & Demons movie here... Enjoy guys...

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